Архив решений Архив решений
№ 23570, Английский язык, 12 класс
Future simple, future continuous, or future perfect?
Jāsaliek pareizajā formā vārdi punktu vietā.
(Paldies jau iepriekš par palīdzību!)
I am sure that scientists ........(discover) life on another planet one day.
I can`t believe i`ve been promoted! This time next week, I..... (work) in a smart office in NY.
Don`t call me tomorrow. I .....(paint) the house all day.
Have we run out of coffee? I...... (go out) now and get some.
It is no trouble to take you to the airport - I....... (go) that way anyway.

1)... scientists will discover life...
2) ....,I'll work in.......
3)I'm going to pain the house all day.
4) I will go out now and get some.
5) - I'm going that way anyway.

I am sure that scientists will discover life on another planet one day.
I can't believe i've been promoted. This time next week, I will work in a smart office in NY.
Don't call me tomorrow. I will be painting the house all day.
Have we run out of coffee? I will go out now and get some.
It is no trouble to take you to he airport - I'm going that way anyway.

Lūdzu tev :)

will discover

will work

will be painting

will go out

will go


1) will discover
2) will have been working
3) will be painting
4) will be going out
5) will be going
№ 23709, Английский язык, 12 класс
complete the sentences with correct form
1. I promise I.......(let you know) as soon as I..........(find out) the answer.
2. after you.........(finish) classes,.......(we/go) to the cinema?
3. .............. (you/want) a cup of coffee before you.......(leave)?
4. As soon as everyone......(be) here, we.....(start) the seminar.
5. When the exams......(be) over, my group.....(have) a big party to celebrate.
6. When the rain.......(stop) why ............. (we/not/go) for a walk?

1. I promise I'll let you know as soon as I find out the answer.
2. after you finish classes, will we goo to the cinema?
3. Do you want a cup of coffee before you leave?
4. as soon as everyone's here, we'll start the seminar.
5. when the exams are over, my group will have a big party to celebrate.
6. when the rain stops, why don't we go for a walk?

1. I promise I will let you know as soon as I find out the answer.
2. after you finish classes, will we go to the cinema?
3. Do you want a cup of coffee before you leave?
4. As soon as everyone will be here, we will start the seminar.
5. When the exams will be over, my group have a big party to celebrate.
6. When the rain will stop why won't we go for a walk?

dod ziņu vai kkas bija pareizi.. :D

1. I promise will let you know as soon as I will
find out an answer.
2. after you will finish classes, we will go in
the cinema?
3. do you want the cup of coffee before you leave?
4. As soon as everyone will be here, we will start the seminar.
5. When the exams to be over, my group will be have
a big party to celebrate.
6. When the rain stop, why don't we go for a walk?

1. will let you know, will find out
2. will have finished, we will be going
3.Do you want, leave
4. will be, will star
5.will be, will be haveing
6.will stop, we will not go

1. I promise I will let you know as soon as I find out the answer.
2.after you finish classes, will we go to the cinema>
3.Do you want a cup of coffee before you leave?
4.As soon as everyone will be here, we will start the seminar.
5.When exams were over, my group had a big party to celebrate.
6.When the rain stoped why didn't we go for a walk?
№ 23732, Английский язык, 12 класс
ka anglu valoda ir----neizdomats



Neizdomāts = unfabled


№ 24061, Английский язык, 12 класс
kads var sito iztulkot?
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Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999

Tā, sāksim no strikti individuālas perspektīvas radošajā jomā, dēļ faktiem Es biju spiests, pārņemt skatu, kurš apņem apkārtējo vidi, kurā risinās individuālā ietekme. Šaj videj ir 2 izvirzīti aspekti : kultūras vai simbolu, kurš šeit ir saukts par - īpašumu (domain), un sociālais aspekts ir saukts par - klajumu (field ), īpašums un klajums mijiedarbojas.
Īpašums ir viens no nepieciešamajiem komponentiem priekš radošuma, tāpēc, ka ir neiespējami ieviest variācijas bez uzziņām, priekš eksistējoša modeļa. "Jauns" ir jēgpilns tikai uzziņām priekš "Vecs". Oriģinālā doma neeksistē vakumā. Tai ir jāoperē iekš aprindas eksistējošiem objektiem, likumiem utt. Viena var tik radīta galdniekam, pavāram, komponistam, tāpēc, ka domain\ s galdniecībā, kulinārijā, mūzikā eksistē un var būt novērtēta performance, caur uzziņām no viņu tradīcijām. Bez likumiem nevar būt izņēmumu un bez tradīcijām nevar būt jauninājumu. Kreativitāte notiek tad, kad persona veido izmaiņas domeinā, izmaiņas, kuras tiks pārsūtītas cauri laikam. Dažas individualitātes labāk veido tādas izmaiņas, varbūt dēļ personiskām vērtībām, varbūt viņiem ir laba fortūna, kura noliek viņus labā pozīcijā ar cieņu pret domainu, viņiem ir labāka pieeja pie viņa, viņu sociālie apstākļi ļauj viņiem brīvo laiku priekš eksperimentiem. Piemēram, priesteris kā Koperniks, nodokļu inspektors kā Lavoisers, vai terapēts kā Galvanī, varētu atļauties uzbūvēt savas paša laboratorijas un koncentrēties uz viņu pašu domām. Un protams, visi šīs individualitātes dzīvoja kultūrā ar tradīcijām pēc sistemātiskas dabas novērošanas un tradīcijas rekordu glabāšanā un matemātiskās simbolikas, kuras ļāva tām kļūt iespējamām priekš to izpratnes spējas, lai ar to dalītos un spētu novērtēt citi, kuriem bija ekvavalents treniņš.
Bet daudzas idejas būs ātri aizmirstas. Izmaiņas nav pieņemtas līdz tās nav sankcionētas pēc kādas grupas virsraksta, lai veiktu lēmumus kā un ko vajadzētu ietvert domainā. Šie vārtziņi ir tie, kurus mēdz saukt par field. Šis termins ir bieši leitots, lai noteiktu disciplīnu vai it kā pūles. Tagadnes kontestā es vēlos definēt tekstu sašaurinātā nozimē, un lietot to tikai, lai attiecinātu uz sociālu ogranizāciju domeinu - priekš skolotājiem, kritiķiem, redaktoriem, muzeja pārziņiem, aģentūru direktoriem, un fundamenta darbiniekiem, kuri lemj, kas pieder domeinam, un kas nē.
Fizikā, ļoti mazs skaits universitātes profesoru viedoklis bija pietiekoš, lai apstiprinātu Eintšteina ideju kreativitāti. Simtiem milijonu cilvēku apstiprināja sīkā field spriedumu un ar apbrīnoja Einšteina kreativitāti bez mazākās saprašanas par to. Amērikā, Manhetenā, 10000 cilvēku iecēla field'u par moderno mākslu. Viņi izlēma, kurš jauns zīmējums vai skulptūra bija cienīga, lai to redzētu, nopirktu vai iekļautu kolekcijā - un tādēļ arī iekļauta domeinā.

Field un domain - termini netulkojas.

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№ 24654, Английский язык, 12 класс
nado sostavitj otvet na eti voprosi
1.Why would people rather believe in horoscopes than approach a doctor
2.Is it necessary to have a daily routine?Why or why no?
pomogite kto mozet... eto do zavtra nado

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№ 25807, Английский язык, 12 класс
I can't _______ to spend any more time on this piece of work

a) allow
b) commit
c) risk
d) afford

pomogite plzzzzzzzzz wto vstavitj



a) allow

afford (I think)
№ 25921, Английский язык, 12 класс
(Вообще всем 12 классникам нужная вещь, мы проходим прошедшие экзамены...)
A foreign charity wants to choose a historical building in Latvia for restauration. Which historical building needs restauration in your region? (Думаю лучше напишите о церкви пожалуйста)
Write an essay (250 words) to argue your choice:
1. How old (approximately) the building is;
2. What it was built for, who used in the past;
3. What its present states is;
4. Why it should be preserved and how it could be used in the future.

(Помогите пожалуйста, напишите, очень надо ;( Хоть про какое нибудь здание напишите :()

The Academy of Sciences edifice was built after World War II, between 1953 and 1956, as a gift from the workers and peasants of the other Soviet republics to the Latvian people and also to mark the borders of Stalin's empire, and is appropriately decorated with several hammers and sickles as well as Latvian folk ornaments [2]. Most Latvians consider themselves lucky that the giant portrait of Stalin that was supposed to be a part of the facade never came to fruition. Being 108 metres (353 ft) tall[3], it was the first skyscraper in the republic and was the tallest building until the construction of the Hansabanka Central Office (121m or 396ft), and at the time, one of the highest reinforced concrete buildings in the world.
The building, designed by Lev Rudnev, is a cousin to similar Stalin-era skyscrapers, which were representative of what became known as Stalinist architecture (sometimes referred to as Stalin's Empire style or Socialist Classicism). The architecture of the skyscraper resembles many others built in the Soviet Union at the time, most notably the main building of Moscow State University. Local nicknames for this building include Stalin's birthday cake and the Kremlin.
One can enjoy a magnificent view of Riga from the 17th-floor balcony (height of 65m) which is open to the public.

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From my opinion all the historical objects must be treated well and saved for next generations, but time passes and world changes, so if we want our children see what was existing in the past we need to save objects and not let them to be lost.
The second biggest city in Latvia is Daugavpils, it was damaged a lot in World War II, but there are still some objects worth of seeing.
Daugavpils Fortress is made in early 19th Century. When I went there I know I expected something else. It is a place that defies categorization - a unique historical site in Europe with the potential to be much, much more. In fact, it is a ghost town. A victim of time and circumstance, Daugavpils Fortress is an empty, abandoned architectural treasure trove that has been ransacked and abused. Despite this fact, this relatively intact 19th century fortress with its ramparts, bastions, and dungeons with massive brick arches, unique in all of Northern Europe and should be included on your list of must-sees in Latvia. It was build for protecting people, and now people should protect it from fading away just because it is far away in region of Daugavpils.
At the moment it if in bad situation, the trees are growing on it and nature destroys it’s walls and tunnels, only small part of it is able to be seen by tourists. It it should be preserved because it is unic and worth of seeing, it is probably one of most greatest buildings in Latvia, that is why I think it should be saved. In future it could be used as a material for a lot of researches and material for educating children, also as a monument for those who gave their lifes so we could life safely
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№ 26096, Английский язык, 12 класс


My future dream job is to be a police man, to help people.
The minuses of this job is that there is possibility to be injured, but that is not the most scary thing, the most of all I’m scared that I can’t help someone who would be worth of it.
There are more pluses than minuses, for example I will be able to help people, to solute their problems and make them less worried about their safety. From my opinion I’m suitable for this job because I have as well as physical strength also I’m keen on helping people and protecting them.

№ 26102, Английский язык, 12 класс
Apologies letter 80-100 words !!! =]

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№ 26891, Английский язык, 12 класс
√ Use the word in brackets after each sentence to form a word that fits the gap.

1) Three people have been questioned in connection with the ____ of a four-year-old girl in Brighton. (appear)

2)She uses an _____ amount of makeup, which doesn't make her look more beautiful anyway. (believe)

3) _____ is a very serious social problem, which can only be solved by a long term government policy. (home)

4) She dresses in a very _____ way: mini skirts, low necks and high heels. (provoke)

5) Reddening and a rash is an _____ symptom of skin allergy. (mistake)

(1) disappearance; (2) unbelievable; (3) homelessness; (4) provoking; (5) unmistakable.
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